What is guiding you? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What can you give to others around you and  the world? 

So often we haven’t taken the time to reflect and ask these questions and find ourselves on autopilot. 

With purpose comes goals that allow us to create our lives and direct our actions. 

Clarify your purpose, passions,and values. Learn how to shape your life around these guiding principles and how to live on Purpose. 

Every principle is integrated thoroughly into each workshop so that you are building your well-being tool-kit every step of the way.


Our bodies are designed to move and love it when we do - a key element in all longevity studies. 

Movement has always been part of the human day but as life becomes more sedentary this natural part of our lives is being lost. With movement comes health, vitality and quality throughout all areas of our lives. 

Get back to basics as you learn the natural way your body moves and how to re-gain these movements. Feel how good the rest of your life is when you’re moving well. 

We will show you how simple it is factor more movement into your everyday - even if you are permanently stuck at a desk! 

Every principle is integrated thoroughly into each workshop so that you are building your well-being tool-kit every step of the way.


It's sometimes hard to believe but calm is of equal importance to activity, both physical and mental. This is the part of our lives where we repair and most importantly GROW. Everything from mood to memory to gut health is reliant on rest and re-charge. 

Find your best method of being grounded and present and how to factor that into your day. See how easy it is to build these positive habits and how powerful the effects are in every area of your life. 

The beauty of the workshop is that the skills you will learn are so quick and simple that they can be  used effectively and straight away. 

Elements explored are: Sleep, Focus and Grounding, Mind-Gut Connection, Active Rest, Breathing, Meditation, Stepping away from the 'Rush'.

Every principle is integrated thoroughly into each workshop so that you are building your well-being tool-kit every step of the way.


Of all health determinants, community, belonging and social connection are so often placed at the top of list - it has been ranked as more important for health than the food we are eating. 

‘Community is a social unit of any size that shares common values. It is a group of people who are connected by durable relations’(Wikipedia). It is true what they say that our reality is shaped by the people we spend the most time with. 

Having a sense of community makes us think of the bigger picture and share experiences throughout life. This supportive environment leads to personal growth and improved health in all areas. 

Learn about the Health Benefits of Social Connection, The Concept of the Individual vs the Collective, ‘Building your Tribe’, how Giving Connects Us, the Maori Approach to Belonging, and how to have more Community in Daily Life.

Every principle is integrated thoroughly into each workshop so that you are building your well-being tool-kit every step of the way.


'Over Analysis leads to Paralysis'. There's a reason simplicity has been seen as the optimal human state throughout the ages. 

In a time of so many choices and diversions, it is the simple approach that often holds the most quality and effectiveness. 

Learning ways to simplify our lives can free us from the clutter, physical and mental, and allow us to focus on the things we see as most important. 

Learn about simple living, minimalism, and self sufficiency and see how easy it is to apply these to your life.

Every principle is integrated thoroughly into each workshop so that you are building your well-being tool-kit every step of the way.


With all the information out there it is often very confusing how to approach food. We will be getting back to basics here, if it's still in it's original state we're in! 

“This magical, marvelous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy" - Joel Salatin

Locally sourced, seasonal wholefoods, it's really basic. See how easy and affordable it is to eat naturally and nutritionally and feel the power of putting the right food into the body. You will never look at the weeds in your garden the same again :)

Learn about
-The wholefood journey - from soil to plate to digestion
-Local food systems
-Eating seasonally
-Mindful eating  & Feeling your food
-Finding good food (on a budget)

Every principle is integrated thoroughly into each workshop so that you are building your well-being tool-kit every step of the way.

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